BrilianPreneur (2021 & 2022)

BrilianPreneur is a yearly event web to showcase the best products of Indonesia’s Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Initiated by BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia), one of the biggest banks in Indonesia.

Work as Fullstack Developer in Hubton Indonesia

In the backend development responsible for developing Admin dashboard & Restful API of Auth API, Register API, Login with Google API, Profile API, Product Category dashboard & API, Import Users feature, Schedule dashboard & API, Game Score API, Live Stream dashboard & API, News dashboard & API, and participate for develop UMKM API, Import UMKM feature, Business Matching API, Export Business Matching feature, Auctions API, Collaborator dashboard & API, and Country API.

In the frontend development participate for develop Register page, UMKM page, and Game page.