Getting Errors Order Taxonomies when Deploy Hugo Site to Netlify

A few days ago I got errors when deploy my blog (Hugo site) to Netlify.


Here’s the pieces of errors:

8:41:49 AM: ERROR 2020/05/03 01:41:49 render of "taxonomyTerm" failed: "/opt/build/repo/layouts/tags/terms.html:15:25": execute of template failed: template: tags/terms.html:15:25: executing "main" at <.Page.Permalink>: can't evaluate field Page in type hugolib.OrderedTaxonomyEntry
8:41:49 AM: Total in 179 ms
8:41:49 AM: Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "taxonomyTerm" failed: "/opt/build/repo/layouts/_default/terms.html:15:20": execute of template failed: template: _default/terms.html:15:20: executing "main" at <.Page.Permalink>: can't evaluate field Page in type hugolib.OrderedTaxonomyEntry
8:41:49 AM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 255
8:41:49 AM: Failing build: Failed to build site
8:41:49 AM: failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 255
8:41:49 AM: Finished processing build request in 14.990296865s

So, as usual, I open a new tab in the browser to find solutions on the internet, and then after a while, I found an article from the official Hugo website, here’s the link: Hugo taxonomy templates.

Reason Errors

After reading the article, I found the reason why I got errors when I deploy my site to Netlify, code below the reason why I getting the errors:

    {{ range .Data.Terms.Alphabetical }}
        <li><a href="{{ .Page.Permalink }}">{{ .Page.Title }}</a> {{ .Count }}</li>
    {{ end }}

Order Taxonomies with the approach above is only available in Hugo 0.55 and later.

Before the version 0.55 you would have to do something like:

    {{ $type := .Type }}
    {{ range $key, $value := .Data.Terms.Alphabetical }}
        {{ $name := .Name }}
        {{ $count := .Count }}
        {{ with $.Site.GetPage (printf "/%s/%s" $type $name) }}
            <li><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ $name }}</a> {{ $count }}</li>
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

So, my conclusion is that the Hugo version on Netlify less than 0.55, while my local version is 0.69.2, and the first code approach above only available in Hugo 0.55 and later. That’s why I got the errors.


Then what’s the solutions? If you have the same errors or similar like I got, you can try 2 options.

First you can change the code like second code approach above, so that can runs on Hugo version you running on Netlify.

Or you can do like what I do

Instead change the code, I prefer to add a new file to my site, the file is netlify.toml. This file can set Hugo version and other settings for your environments in Netlify.

When I deploy my Hugo site to Netlify on the first time I don’t create netlify.toml, but everything works fine until I customize the layouts theme site to add a list of terms taxonomies tags and then got the errors.

Because that errors, I decided to add netlify.toml to ensure Hugo version in Netlify has the same version with my local machine, so that can reduce similar errors in the future because different Hugo version.

Here’s code in my netlify.toml file:

publish = "public"
command = "hugo --gc --minify"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.69.2"
HUGO_ENV = "production"

command = "hugo --gc --minify --enableGitInfo"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.69.2"
HUGO_ENV = "production"

command = "hugo --gc --minify --buildFuture -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.69.2"

command = "hugo --gc --minify -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.69.2"


Save netlify.toml file into your root directory Hugo site, and then push + re-deploy into Netlify, if everything works fine the errors should be gone and you can preview your site before publishing.

You can see the newest example netlify.tomlon official Hugo website: Configure Hugo version in Netlify.

That’s all, hope this helps you :)


Deploy log before add netlify.toml

8:41:32 AM: Build ready to start
8:41:34 AM: build-image version: 2dbd444fcdce00cf06325060a8238d5ae3e86774
8:41:34 AM: build-image tag: v3.3.7
8:41:34 AM: buildbot version: d305548225ac57bb00eb5a596b0b8674e76a4681
8:41:34 AM: Fetching cached dependencies
8:41:34 AM: Starting to download cache of 119.6MB
8:41:35 AM: Finished downloading cache in 604.32311ms
8:41:35 AM: Starting to extract cache
8:41:39 AM: Finished extracting cache in 4.285960043s
8:41:39 AM: Finished fetching cache in 4.930258489s
8:41:39 AM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
8:41:40 AM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/master
8:41:40 AM: Starting build script
8:41:40 AM: Installing dependencies
8:41:41 AM: Started restoring cached node version
8:41:45 AM: Finished restoring cached node version
8:41:46 AM: v10.20.1 is already installed.
8:41:47 AM: Now using node v10.20.1 (npm v6.14.4)
8:41:47 AM: Attempting ruby version 2.6.2, read from environment
8:41:48 AM: Using ruby version 2.6.2
8:41:48 AM: Using PHP version 5.6
8:41:48 AM: Started restoring cached go cache
8:41:48 AM: Finished restoring cached go cache
8:41:48 AM: unset GOOS;
8:41:48 AM: unset GOARCH;
8:41:48 AM: export GOROOT='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64';
8:41:48 AM: export PATH="/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64/bin:${PATH}";
8:41:48 AM: go version >&2;
8:41:48 AM: export GIMME_ENV='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/env/go1.12.linux.amd64.env';
8:41:48 AM: go version go1.12 linux/amd64
8:41:48 AM: Installing missing commands
8:41:48 AM: Verify run directory
8:41:48 AM: Executing user command: hugo
8:41:49 AM: Building sites …
8:41:49 AM: ERROR 2020/05/03 01:41:49 render of "taxonomyTerm" failed: "/opt/build/repo/layouts/tags/terms.html:15:25": execute of template failed: template: tags/terms.html:15:25: executing "main" at <.Page.Permalink>: can't evaluate field Page in type hugolib.OrderedTaxonomyEntry
8:41:49 AM: Total in 179 ms
8:41:49 AM: Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "taxonomyTerm" failed: "/opt/build/repo/layouts/_default/terms.html:15:20": execute of template failed: template: _default/terms.html:15:20: executing "main" at <.Page.Permalink>: can't evaluate field Page in type hugolib.OrderedTaxonomyEntry
8:41:49 AM: Skipping functions preparation step: no functions directory set
8:41:49 AM: Caching artifacts
8:41:49 AM: Started saving pip cache
8:41:49 AM: Finished saving pip cache
8:41:49 AM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
8:41:49 AM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
8:41:49 AM: Started saving maven dependencies
8:41:49 AM: Finished saving maven dependencies
8:41:49 AM: Started saving boot dependencies
8:41:49 AM: Finished saving boot dependencies
8:41:49 AM: Started saving go dependencies
8:41:49 AM: Finished saving go dependencies
8:41:49 AM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 255
8:41:49 AM: Failing build: Failed to build site
8:41:49 AM: failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 255
8:41:49 AM: Finished processing build request in 14.990296865s

Deploy log after add netlify.toml

9:04:41 AM: Build ready to start
9:04:47 AM: build-image version: 2dbd444fcdce00cf06325060a8238d5ae3e86774
9:04:47 AM: build-image tag: v3.3.7
9:04:47 AM: buildbot version: d305548225ac57bb00eb5a596b0b8674e76a4681
9:04:47 AM: Fetching cached dependencies
9:04:47 AM: Starting to download cache of 119.5MB
9:04:48 AM: Finished downloading cache in 1.447053178s
9:04:48 AM: Starting to extract cache
9:04:53 AM: Finished extracting cache in 4.635581249s
9:04:53 AM: Finished fetching cache in 6.108181019s
9:04:53 AM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
9:04:53 AM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/master
9:04:54 AM: Found Netlify configuration file netlify.toml in site root
9:04:54 AM: Found Netlify configuration file(s). Overriding site configuration
9:04:54 AM: Different build command detected, going to use the one specified in the Netlify configuration file: 'hugo --gc --minify' versus 'hugo' in the Netlify UI
9:04:54 AM: Starting build script
9:04:54 AM: Installing dependencies
9:04:55 AM: Started restoring cached node version
9:04:59 AM: Finished restoring cached node version
9:04:59 AM: v10.20.1 is already installed.
9:05:00 AM: Now using node v10.20.1 (npm v6.14.4)
9:05:00 AM: Attempting ruby version 2.6.2, read from environment
9:05:01 AM: Using ruby version 2.6.2
9:05:02 AM: Using PHP version 5.6
9:05:02 AM: Installing Hugo 0.69.2
9:05:03 AM: Hugo Static Site Generator v0.69.2-EC9DCF30/extended linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2020-04-24T07:57:53Z
9:05:03 AM: Started restoring cached go cache
9:05:03 AM: Finished restoring cached go cache
9:05:03 AM: unset GOOS;
9:05:03 AM: unset GOARCH;
9:05:03 AM: export GOROOT='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64';
9:05:03 AM: export PATH="/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64/bin:${PATH}";
9:05:03 AM: go version >&2;
9:05:03 AM: export GIMME_ENV='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/env/go1.12.linux.amd64.env';
9:05:03 AM: go version go1.12 linux/amd64
9:05:03 AM: Installing missing commands
9:05:03 AM: Verify run directory
9:05:03 AM: Executing user command: hugo --gc --minify
9:05:03 AM: Building sites …
9:05:03 AM:                   |
9:05:03 AM:  EN
9:05:03 AM: -
9:05:03 AM: ------------------+-----
9:05:03 AM: Pages            | 43
9:05:03 AM: Paginator pages  |  0
9:05:03 AM:   Non-page files   |
9:05:03 AM:  0
9:05:03 AM:   Static files     | 16
9:05:03 AM:   Processed images |
9:05:03 AM:  0
9:05:03 AM:   Aliases          |  1
9:05:03 AM:   Sitemaps         |  1
9:05:03 AM:   Cleaned          |  0
9:05:03 AM: Total in 244 ms
9:05:03 AM: Skipping functions preparation step: no functions directory set
9:05:03 AM: Caching artifacts
9:05:03 AM: Started saving pip cache
9:05:03 AM: Finished saving pip cache
9:05:03 AM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
9:05:03 AM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
9:05:03 AM: Started saving maven dependencies
9:05:03 AM: Finished saving maven dependencies
9:05:03 AM: Started saving boot dependencies
9:05:03 AM: Finished saving boot dependencies
9:05:03 AM: Started saving go dependencies
9:05:03 AM: Finished saving go dependencies
9:05:03 AM: Build script success
9:05:03 AM: Starting to deploy site from 'public'
9:05:03 AM: Creating deploy tree 
9:05:04 AM: Creating deploy upload records
9:05:04 AM: 44 new files to upload
9:05:04 AM: 0 new functions to upload
9:05:05 AM: Starting post processing
9:05:09 AM: Post processing done
9:05:09 AM: Site is live
9:05:26 AM: Finished processing build request in 39.584859143s

#hugo   #netlify